College of Business Education Abroad Scholarship Recipients – Summer 2015

As the next wave of students prepares to depart on their respective summer adventures abroad, we would like to highlight four college of business students in particular. These students won the College of Business Education Abroad Scholarship to help fund their programs. Below are their bios and education abroad plans.

Lauren FunaiName: Lauren Funai
Hometown: Alpha, Illinois
Year of Study: Senior
Major: Business Marketing and English Creative Writing 
Host City & Country: Prague, Czech Republic 
Length of stay: 6 weeks
What are you most excited for? 
I’m excited to intimately learn the streets of a new city and country. I want to become as much of a Prague local as possible in 6 weeks!
Why did you want to go abroad?
Exotic locations, new languages, expanding my world view? Mother may I…
How is the COB Education Abroad scholarship helping you?
Long story short: you tend to enjoy things more when the weight of crippling debt is lifted. I could not be happier to have received the COB Education Abroad scholarship, it has helped me to relax and focus on making the most out of my experience.

Megan Bush cropName: Megan Bush
Hometown: Windsor, CO
Year of Study: Junior
Concentration: Marketing
Host City & Country: Prague, Czech Republic
Length of stay: 5 weeks
What are you most excited for? 
I have never been to Europe before so I am most excited to experience new cultures, meet diverse people, and explore Prague and the surrounding areas.
Why did you want to go abroad?
I have wanted to go abroad since my first year at CSU and finally found the perfect opportunity with Central and Eastern European Studies in Prague. I am studying International Marketing and Business because I want to learn about the complexities of marketing in a global context.
How is the COB Education Abroad scholarship helping you?
I am personally funding my Education Abroad experience so the COB Education Abroad scholarship is helping me so much.  I am so grateful for the opportunity, and the scholarship is making it possible!

Cassandra SantyName: Cassie Santy

Hometown: Parker, Colorado
Year of Study: Going into senior year
Concentration: Supply Chain Management
Host City and Country: International New Venture Creation program: Heidelberg, Germany; London, UK; Paris, France; Prague, Czech Republic; Berlin, Germany.
Length of stay: 6 weeks
What are you most excited for? I am thrilled for the new experiences I will be having, and also to just learn and grow! I can’t wait to be challenged and develop new skills and relationships.
Why did you want to go abroad? I have always wanted to go to Europe, and the chance came to me through study abroad at the perfect time. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted to see and experience more than just the world directly around me. I know that going abroad is going to be a life changing experience, and I cannot wait!
How is the COB Education Abroad scholarship helping you? Studying abroad is expensive, but the experiences gained make the cost well worth it. The COB Education Abroad scholarship is a major blessing to my family and me as we work through the finances of this amazing opportunity.

michelle betsingerName: Michelle Betsinger
Hometown: Longmont, Colorado
Year of Study: Senior
Concentration: Finance
Host City & Country: Dublin, Ireland
Length of stay: 2 months
What are you most excited for? I am most excited to advance my business skill set while also experiencing the culture and community of Ireland.
Why did you want to go abroad? I strongly feel that understanding and adapting to different cultures and environments is something that is crucial in the business world. Additionally, being able to travel while I am young and see what the world has to offer is an exciting opportunity.
How is the COB Education Abroad scholarship helping you? I was so happy and honored to receive this scholarship! It will help me focus on my internship and worry less about finances. This scholarship will also help me fully experience everything that Ireland has to offer.
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